Chinese II. Announcements

Midterm Review 2017

­Chinese Language and Culture II / 中文(2)
Mid-Term Exam. 01. 2016
LOLHS / 莱欧莱姆中学
姓名 (Name) ________________________________________
日期 (Date) _________________________________________


Listening Comprehension Audio Use Instruction:

Go to Canvas and Click on Quizzes; then on the list of Quizzes find “Chinese II Midterm Listening Test 2017.”

Please know that you are to skip Part B of the Listening Test. All questions should be answered in English, except for proper names in Listening Comprehension Test.

A.    Listen to a telephone conversation between two college students and find out what they were talking about. Answer questions in English.  (9 points)

B.     Disregard the second Listening.

Vocabulary and grammar

A.    You are an international student in Beijing and your host sister, Xiao Wang, has become your good friend.  You (Sarah or Jack) are showing your family tree to Xiao Wang. First write a sentence about the familial relationship between you and them (in parentheses), and then one additional sentence about them such as their hobbies and occupations. Be sure to use the correct pronouns. (8 points)

B.     Now Xiao Wang asks you the following questions. Write complete sentences in pinyin (8 points)

C.     You two are now sharing more family stories. Read the following dialog and fill in blanks with the appropriate words according to grammar and context. (11 points)

D.    Today you two sit down and talk about your daily, weekly, or monthly routines, and the following are your routines in the US. Write complete sentences but with different activities in pinyin. (14 Points)

E.     Today you two talk about your similarities and differences. As well, you talk about your own friend circles and what you all like and dislike. Use the right grammar to say the following.   (4 Points)

F.      It’s been a rough week of bad weathers. Today you are listening to an announcement at your Chinese school. Read the following announcement and fill in blanks with the right words according to grammar and context. (20 points)

G.    Vocabulary: Fill in blanks with pinyin and English that match the Chinese characters. (20 Points)



A.    Reading 1:  The following is an evening news item from Beijing.  Read it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Read the following questions and circle the correct word to complete each statement. (8 points)
1.   Hòutiān shì Xīngqī jǐ?
Answer the following questions in English based on the above paragraph. (5 points)
1.      What is the date and day of the news? _______________________________
B.     Reading 2.  David is an international graduate student studying in Beijing High School #8. Today he is preparing a self-introduction speech for tomorrow’s speaking contest and this is what he has written about himself and his family. Read the following monolog carefully and answer questions that follow in English. (12 Points)

C.     Reading 3.   Another student at Beijing High School #8, Xiao Wang, talks about himself, his family, and his relatives. Answer questions by filling blanks in English only. (13 points)
D.    Reading 5. Answer comprehension questions based on the following paragraphs in English or pinyin. (4 Points)

Q1. Who is talking with whom? _________________________________________________
Q2. What is 妹妹 doing ? _________________________________________________

E.     Reading 6. Answer comprehension questions based on the following paragraphs in English or pinyin. (4 Points)

Q1. What is 妈妈 doing ?  _________________________________________________

A.     Rewrite sentences in characters by unscramble the following four sentences so every word is used in making meaningful sentences. (4 Points)

B.     Translate the following sentences into Chinese characters. (8 Points)
a.       I am a high school student; she is a college student; he is a Chinese teacher.
C.     Writing in Chinese characters - Compose a short dialog that consists of two different questions and two relevant answers in complete sentences. The word bank is for your reference. You may not copy any complete sentences from any parts in the above Reading section.  (8 points)

我们/ 他们/ 她们/ 多少/ 打电话/ /什么/  /

Q1. ______________________________________? A1. _______________________________________

Q2. ______________________________________? A2. _______________________________________

D.    Performance Task – based on the following complete the task.

Tell me about you and your family
An student in China
Your Chinese Teacher
Task Description:
Your Chinese teacher wants you to tell the whole class of international students about your family and extended families in Chinese. Write a script that is logical and comprehensive about your family and extended families in terms of their names, ages, occupations, likes and dislikes, activities and frequency, as well as whereabouts. Refer to the Rubric Sheet.
A monologue.

Attached WL Written Rubric Sheet –

 Weekly Planner for 5/30- 6/8

Day 1:  Due - audio, translate audio to English, translate 4x character dialogs, paired. Review
              for the Finals Speaking. White board exercises.

Day 2:  Recording Final Speaking Test;  catch up time.

Day 3:    Finals Review Sheet practice - white board
               Characters review for the final exam.
Day 4:   Final exam review.

Weekly Planner for 5/23- 5/27

Day 1:  Nearpod Project on Chinese medicine is due Monday 8:00 AM.
             Go over vocab. list on routine verbs. (5 points quiz)
             Go over vocab. list on sports verbs. (5 points quiz)
Day 2:  More vocab. list on health adjectives and body parts (10 points)
             Grammar on QA on health

Day 3:  Nearpod Review sheet is due today.
             Quiz on body parts and health adjectives.
Day 4:  Senior Trip to Holiday Hill. You will have a sub and you will do worksheets audio. Both are due Monday.

Weekly Planner for 5/16- 5/20

This week you should be well-researched and be close to finishing your project. The following are a plan for the week:

Day 1:  Gather all the information you wish to use - be an expert: How do the Chinese people look at health? What do they eat? When they are sick, what "medicines" do they seek? How does physical exercise, which may be quite different from the west, fit into their idea of being healthy (think of "qi"):

Include in your presentation the following:

   a. General health for the population - average life span, age groups, etc.
   b. Major food intake in calories compared with the US
   c. Major medicines they use - this is the bulk of your presentation, which may be several slides detailing the types of medical practices, herbs, and other routines they have to treat diseases.
   d. Major forms of physical exercises among different populations.
   e. Conclusion - How do they compare with the US? Do you think they are a more healthy group?
Please follow the 6x6 Rules - Six lines, six words in each slide.  Your presentation must be visually appealing, organized logically, and have the right information.

Day 2: Gather all the photos and videos necessary and compose your script -Yes, you will need to record your explanation of each slide.  Start preparing your Nearpod.

Day 3: Finish recording and imbedding in to Edmodo.

Day 4: Submission.

Homework: Review 7 other cuisines and fill in blanks.

The following is the detailed description of the Project

Chinese II Quarter IV Project for Quarter 4
Topic:  Food for Medicine?
This is our last quarterly project on Chinese culture. It’s supposed to be fun and it’s intended to help you to explore the culture in depth and shed light on the topic(s) based on your research findings. Grades will go into your Test/Project/Quizzes category for Quarter 4.
Essential Questions: 
How do the Chinese understand health?
Your Role:  A presenter of Chinese traditional medicines to a group of Old Lyme residents
Your Task/Goals: Research and find out everything you can about the Chinese medicines and present it.
Your Audience:  Your parents, your neighbors who would love to learn more about the traditional Chinese medicines .
1.       Use the worksheet and research Chinese understanding, beliefs, and ways of health and treating sicknesses.
2.       Find out about where, when, how, how much, who, and what about the Chinese medicines.
3.       Make a decision as to what to include in your presentation
4.       Create the slides with good photos
5.       Audio – Discuss each slide with sufficient information to answer questions in Step 2.
6.       Share on Edmodo. – follow the instructions on technology
Language Requirement:  The language will be a little Chinese and mostly English. Proper names must be pronounced accurately in pinyin. All product names in the presentation must have both English and Chinese equivalents, such as tui(1) and zhenjiu (1,1). Introduce your topic with a few Chinese sentences and then switch to English for more complicated explanations. The amount of languages should be 1 : 9 (Chinese 1 and English 9).
Technology Requirement: Must use Nearpod (and at least 10 slides) and audio (must be imbedded in the Nearpod presentation.  Audacity or Vocaroo are two voice recording devices.
Grading: See separate Rubric Sheet.
Effort and Time Management:  Be productive and efficient in class; whatever you can’t finish in class should be completed at home. Meet all deadlines and show good effort.
Pictures to consider:  Medicine charts, lists of representative medicines and ingredients, photos of plants and herbs, brewing methods, etc. Be creative and interesting.

 *Deadlines and Rubric Sheet will be announced and introduced in class.

Week Planner for 4/25 - 4-29

1. Monday: Research on transportations in China - What are the means of  transportation? How popular is the Gaotie? How often do people travel on airplanes? Do the Chinese have uber? What is it called? How many levels of trains do the Chinese have? How many people have cars? How do they manage to have so many cars on the highway?  a paragraph is due with facts and figures. (10 points.)

2. Tuesday: Introduction of new vocabulary - class notes and work on using new vocab in writing and speaking.  (Stamp card points and worksheets of association, 5 points)

3. Thursday: Vocabulary Quiz on transportation (Points TBA)

4. Friday - We deal with grammar structure in this Unit. (Stamp card points for oral participation nd worksheets - 10 points).  Your weekly Bluebook is also due today.

5. Audio Listening script is due Monday. You will find the audio in your email. Please don't listen to it until AFTER we have discussed the vocabulary. This listening exercise is worth 1 homework point as well as 10 GA points depending on effort.

March 1, 2016

Translate the following dialogs into pinyin first; and then, match each pinyin with characters (30 points)

Q. Who are you?     A.  I am Mr. Wang
Q. Is she an American teacher? A.  No, she is a Chinese language teacher.
Q. When do you go to China?  A.   I don’t go to China.
Q. Do you like American foods or Chinese foods? A.  I like American foods; I also like Chinese foods.
Q. Why do you like Chinese foods?  A. Chinese foods are delicious.
Q.  I like American foods more, you? A. I like Chinese foods more.
Q.  Whose telephone does the teacher have?  A.  The teacher has the student’s telephone.
Q. Do you like American restaurants? A. Yes. American restaurants are pretty, delicious and fun.
Q.  Is Xiao Wang an elementary school student or a middle school student? A. Xiao Wang is a college student.
Q. Do you like to play basketball or tennis?  A.  I like volleyball and ping pong.
Q. which do you like more? City or countryside? A.   I like the suburb most.
Q. do you want to become an engineer, a lawyer, or a doctor? A.  I want to become a nurse.
Q. which job is more fun, a business person or a boss?  A. I like to be a businessman more.
Q.  Is the airplane bigger than a train? No, the train is bigger than the airplane.
Q.  Is driving a car as fun as a taking a train? No, taking  the train is more fun.
Q.  who are you going to China with?  I will go to China with my mom and dad.
Q. How many people are in China? There are a lot of people in China.
Q.  What do you like to study? I like to study accounting. You? I like to study engineering.
Q. who are in the classroom? There are a lot of people in the classroom: elementary school students;  middle school and high school students, college students and teachers.

New Unit: City vs. Countryside - Which do you like more?


You will learn vocabulary and grammar comparing and contrasting similar locations and different locations. You will use adjectives to describe the advantages and disadvantages of different locations - cities, countryside, and suburbs. You will have quizzes and a Unit Test on the language aspect of the Unit.

Culture and Project

Instead of a Performance Task test, you will design a presentation by using Nearpod in comparing and contrasting six locations in between US and China- one Chinese city, and one American city; one Chinese village and one US village; one suburb in China and one suburb in the US. You will follow the technical instructional sheet to complete your PPT-like Nearpod presentation online, share the link with the class via Edmodo. You will then imbed audio into each slide by using Vocaroo or other recording devices. You will have time to write scripts for your slides.

As you prepare your recording, think of the following for each slide:

  • What's this slide? Is it a city? A countryside? or a suburb?
  • What can we see on it? What else does it have? What does a city typically have?
  • What can you do at this location? 
  • What does this location feel like? Is it tranquil? Convenient? Clean? Do you like it? Why?
  • Compare this location with the next slide, which do you like more? Which is more clean? etc.
  • Ask your audience what their favorite place might be. Ask them if they like A better than B. Ask them why they like A more than B.
Then you will complete your reviews of other's presentations.

You  Your grades will be determined by the quality of the slides, your grammar and vocabulary, as well as the pronunciation and intonation of your audio, comprehension from the viewers (including your Chinese teacher) and your timeliness of completing each task in a prescribed time line.


November 10, 2015

Unit.  Relatives and Their Occupations (Date to be announced)

Weekly Planner for (11-16 to 11-20) 

1-16. PrePost Quiz; Graded Assignment; 8 Essays
1-18. "Always, sometimes" Chart Quiz; Unit Test (Grammar/Reading/Short Writing)

Chinese II. Q2. PT: Writing. (11-19)
Written Performance Task: You have just received an email from your pen pal who has shown you his/her immediate and extended families. He/She asks you to do the same and would like to find out who in your families does what. Write a paragraph to introduce your family members and make sure you use the newly acquired vocabulary words and grammar in your paragraph. Performance Task Evaluation Criteria: WL Oral Rubric.

Chinese II. Q2. PT: Speaking. (11-20)

Oral Performance Task: You are at an international student gathering in Beijing No. 4 High School. You are all international students whose common language is Chinese. Today your teacher pairs you up to introduce to each other your immediate and extended family members. You happened to have a big family and have a lot of cousins and nephews and nieces. You have prepared five photos to show and tell your families. Use newly acquired vocabulary and grammar in your introduction. Performance Task Evaluation Criteria: WL Oral Rubric.

Quizzes and Tests:

1.  There will be individual vocabulary quizzes and grammar quizzes, including unannounced exit quizzes.
2.  There will be a Unit Test that has reading comprehension (QA), grammar and a short writing. (Date to be announced)

Quarter 2 Project:  Nearpod, Edmodo, Vocaroo are coming - Stay Tuned.

Audio Homework Answer:

Family Listening 1 – Short Version

你们好. 我来介绍一下我的家. 我有爸爸妈妈一个哥哥跟一个妹妹. 我的爸爸是一个木工; 我的妈妈是一个护士我的哥哥是一个工程师我的妹妹也是一个学生. 我们都住在康州. 我跟我的妹妹都是学生我们都正在学校学习我还有很多亲戚我有两个叔叔, 两个阿姨他们都有很多孩子我有十个表哥跟五个表姐他们都住在纽约. 我们经常一起去纽约的博物馆.

Nǐmen hǎo! wǒ lái jièshào yīxià wǒ de jiā. Wǒ yǒu bàba māmā yīgè gēgēgēn yīgè mèimei. Wǒ de bàba shì yīgè mùgōng; wǒ de māmā shì yīgè hùshì; wǒ dí gē gē shì yīgè gōngchéngshī; wǒ de mèimei yěshì yīgè xuéshēng. Wǒmen dōu zhù zài kāng zhōu. Wǒ gēn wǒ de mèimei dōu shì xuéshēng. Wǒmen dōu zhèngzài xuéxiào xuéxí. Wǒ hái yǒu hěnduō qīnqī; wǒ yǒu liǎng gè shūshu, liǎng gè āyí. Tāmen dōu yǒu hěnduō háizi. Wǒ yǒu shí gè biǎo gē gēn wǔ gè biǎojiě. Tāmen dōu zhù zài niǔyuē .  Wǒmen jīngcháng yīqǐ qù niǔyuē de bówùguǎn.

Hi All. Let me introduce my family. I have dad and mom, an older brother and a younger sisiter. My dad is a carpenter; my mom is a nurse; my older brother is an engineer; my younger sister is (also – shouldn’t have this here) a student. We all live in Connecticut. My younger sister and I are both students. We are studying at school. I have a lot of relatives; I have two uncles, two aunts. They all have many children. I have ten cousins (older brothers) and five cousins (older sisters). They all live in NY. We often go to NY Museum together.

September 5, 2015 Quarter 1 Oral/Written Performance Task Description

Chinese II. Quarter 1 Performance Task
You are an international student studying in Beijing. Your International Students Club is planning to  meet at Room 105 to organize a weekend trip to the Great Wall (Changcheng) and the school requires that a teacher be the chaperone.

So you call your favorite teacher, Mr. Wang, to come to your classroom where the Club meeting is being held. However, Mr. Wang’s secretary said he was not in his office. So you left a message for Mr. Wang to visit you in Room 105 and calls the other Club key class members about attending the meeting in Room 105.

Follow the telephone conversation conventions and expand the original script (call to Mr. Wang)  to  three additional make-believe telephone calls to three other people (classmates) , so that all members, including Mr. Wang, will come to the meeting.  You will play both the caller and receiver(s) of the phone conversations.

A passing score will be based on the recitation of the original dialog. Additional meaning ful and accurate content will help to push up your grade based on the Rubric Sheet.
Recording Time: 1.5 - 2.0 minutes.


Below are postings from 2014-15. So Disregard Them.


Final Exam Grammar Worksheet.               Nide Mingzi: ___________________

Part 1. Turn the following sentences into Chinese pinyin. (35 points)

1.      My name is John.

2.      I am a student.

3.      I live in the US.

4.      I like to go to classes.

5.      I like my school. I like to go to Chinese class. I speak Spanish, French, and Chinese. I also speak English.

6.      My classroom has a blackboard, a whiteboard, a US flag and a US map. We don't have a Chinese flag. We have a Chinese map.

7.      The map is on the wall. The waste paper basket is there.

8.      The classroom has 18 students.

9.      The classroom has one teacher.

10.  The teacher is Teacher Wang. Teacher Wang speaks Mandarin Chinese.

11.  I have a big house.

12.  My house has four bedrooms, a kitchen, three bathrooms, a garden, a living room, and a garage.

13.  I have a dad and a mom.

14.  I also have an older sister and a younger brother.  My dad is a teacher. My mum is a nurse. I have a sister. Her name is Mary. She is an engineer. I have a brother; his name is George. George is a doctor. I am an engineer.

15.  I like Chinese foods. I like rice, chicken, beef, and pork. I like to drink tea. I like chopsticks. I like hot chocolate and cake.  I also like ice cream.

Part 2. Look at the above sentences and turn each sentence into a question in pinyin, asking only the underlined parts. (40 points).

In addition, translate the following into Chinese pinyin and answer them in complete sentences.

1.      Whose book are these?

2.      I am a student, you?

3.      What time do you get to school?

4.      What’s your birthday? When is your birthday?

5.      Why did you like your job?

Due date will be announced.
Mr. Wang


Food Unit

The culture piece in this Unit consists of watching videos and reflecting on videos. Then, you will focus on your own chosen cuisine and together with a partner, you will both do research and come up with a presentation - The presentation doesn't have to be a PPT - It could be a Prezi, a Clipboard, or even realia. But your grades will be based on the following criteria. It's to be done in English with accurate pronunciation of the Chinese dishes, cuisine, provinces, etc.

Along the way to achieving this, I will be collecting bits and pieces of your research. You need to familiarize yourself with the following in order to do a successful presentation:

  1.  Location of the cuisine on the Chinese map - show on a map
  2.  Name and meaning as well as alias of the cuisine - list
  3.  History and origin of your cuisine - a short paragraph
  4.  Youtube links to one (1) of your cuisine - give me the links - decide on the one you will use - during your presentation
  5.  Major ingredients and cooking method of this cuisine - write a paragraph about the characteristics of this cuisine - based the taste, fragrance, and appearance.
  6. List the raw materials (meat and vegetable and names of them) they use for cooking that are unique to the region
  7. List names of the top ten dishes under your cuisine name; then the top 4 dishes.
  8. Find three recipes for three of your favorite dishes under your cuisine; decide on one to discuss during your presentation.
  9. Research to find out the Chinese for "Food is Heaven," and write an explanation paragraph in English - What does it mean, "Heaven"? What's the reason behind this? How are the Chinese different when it comes to eating habits? Why? Why do the Chinese spend so much money and time in preparing their foods? Why is China a "food country"? Why is Chinese food popular in the US?
  10. Discuss with your partner and write a summary paragraph of your cuisine -summarize your research and reach a conclusion as to - taste, looks, fragrance, health benefit, and popularity, and how culturally that cuisine reflects the Chinese culture.
  11. Prepare a dish at home and serve your family - have your parent sign a verification slip for an easy grade.

China’s Eight Cuisines (Ba1da4cai4xi4) : Presentation Rubric  

Exceeds expectation
Meets expectation
Almost meets
Does not meet expectation
Points /
Content: Did your presentation cover the topic comprehensively? Did you include specifics that illustrate the essence of your topic
Superior completion of task.
Exceeds requirements.
All guidelines followed.
Relevant and thorough treatment of topic.
Completion of task. Requirements are fulfilled.

Relevant treatment of topic.

Partial completion of task. Most of the requirements were fulfilled.

Topic not fully treated.

Incomplete treatment of task.

24 = 98
23 = 96
22 = 93
21 = 92
20 = 90
19 = 88
18 = 86
17 = 84
16 = 82
15 = 80
14 = 78
13 = 75
12 = 70
11 = 68
10 = 65
9 = 60
8 = 55
7 = 50
6 = 40
Accuracy:  Is your content accurate? Is there any misinformation?
All information presented is accurate.
A few pieces of information is unclear or inaccurate.
Many inaccurate facts and information not reliable.
Most information is inaccurate and mismatched.
Reflection: Do you understand the cultural, geographical, historical significance of this cuisine?
Shows in-depth analysis – totally understand the cultural significance
Shows good comprehension– understand the general cultural significance
Shows some analysis –  don’t understand the cultural significance
Shows no analysis – don’t understand the  cultural significance
Timely presentation and careful  note taking during others’ presentations
On Time
Pays attention 100% the time while others are presenting
Late by one day
Pays attention 80% the time while others are presenting
Late by two days
Pays attention 60% the time while others are presenting
Late by three and more days
Pays attention less than 60%  of the time while others are presenting
Presentation- (Visual)
Does your presentation clearly show the main content of your presentation? Is it appealing? Can the viewer read the text easily?
Neat and professional. Excellent choice of photos/pictures to highlight presentation

Slides are consistent and logical and helpful in understanding the presentation. 6x6x6 followed
Neat and easy to read/view. Good choice of photos or pictures.

Slides are consistent and have relevant and helpful
information on the slide. 6x6x6 rule generally followed.
Not neat. Poor choice of photos and pictures. Some may be irrelevant.

Slides are distracting or inconsistent or have too many words on them. Not following the 6x6x6 rule.

Slides are messy, confusing, and unhelpful; poor or even wrong choice of photos.

Slides do not have the information needed; or information is illogical, irrelevant, or simply wrong. Or there is insufficient information go grade.
Presentation- (Speaking)
Is your pronunciation correct? Do you speak clearly slowly and loudly?  Do you show enthusiasm? Is your presentation effectively capturing the attention of listeners
Speaking portion is outstanding. Student presents with excellent pronunciation of both English and Chinese. Speak with good volume and posture. Shows a lot of enthusiasm.
Speaking portion is good. Student presents with good pronunciation of both English and Chinese. OK posture with good volume. Shows some enthusiasm.
Speaking portion is poor. Student presents with some wrong pronunciation of   English and/or Chinese. Speak with insufficient volume and distracting posture. Shows a little enthusiasm.
Speaking portion is confusing for several reasons.  Student presents with wrong pronunciation of both English and Chinese. Speak with very low volume and distracting posture. Shows no enthusiasm.

Score:                ________


PPT Slides Guidelines:

What you need for the PPT

a. A slide on the Cuisine Name, in characters and pinyin.
b. A slide of the location of the cuisine inside the map of China
c. A slide of the characteristics of the cuisine
d. A slide of Four representative dishes 
e. A slide of a famous recipe of one of the four dishes
f.  A slide of  "fun facts" about the cuisine

Additional Slides

- a citation slide
- a youtube introduction slide

No more than ten slides in all.

Food is Heaven Video Reflection Paragraph Writing                       Name: _______________

Watch the following youtube videos and do a reflection on Chinese foods.

 (44 minutes)    (53:33)

Although China has a rich food culture (not necessarily a healthy food culture), there are also problems associated with their food consumption. Reflect on the issues related to foods in China: animal abuse, health, poverty, MSG, types of animals to consume, etc. write an 100 (at least) word letter  entitled “Dear Chinese People: Please Reconsider What You Consume,” and make a proposal to solve one of these problems. When you finish please turn it in to the teacher.


Ch 1. Chinese Holidays.                                                                 Nide Mingzi:____________________________

Watch the following videos and do further research on the five major Chinese holidays. Find out: a) dates for each holiday; 2) other names for the same holiday;  3) meaning/history;  4)pracitces. Due next time.

1.       Spring Festival (9 minutes)

2.       Lantern Festival(15 minutes);

3.       Dragon Boat Festival (3.47 minutes)

03/03/2015 (Announcement #1)

Chinese Pinyin Journal Topics: THE BLUE BOOK!

As we spend time doing culture topics, don't forget the language you have tried so hard to learn. The following are things you need to put in your Blue Book. Assignments and due dates will be announced in class, but I am looking for 3 entries a week to record in Homework or Graded Assignment.

A. Watch a video on Chinese questions and write down 3 QA

B. Review your materials in your notes and write down 10 QA

C. Vocabulary clusters... Based on the theme, copy down, reorganize vocab in groups. For example, pronouns, classroom items, all verbs, all adjectives, all day greetings, all color words, all particles, all question words, etc.

D. Personal narratives or simply a recall list of things you can say in Chinese without going to your notes.. Done sparingly.

We will be doing this on a regular bases, and you will receive homework grades and/or participation grades on a daily basis.

Mr. Wang


We will be doing several cultural topics - Please follow the following Rubric Sheet when you reflect on these topics, which are listed at the bottom of this blog posting.

Chinese Language and Culture: Reflection Journal  Rubric Sheet

Topic: ______________________________

Student Name:     ________________________________________


Summarization (Topic Sentence)

Topic sentence clearly and effectively reflects the main idea of writing.
Topic sentence reflects the main purpose, but not as effective or clear.
Topic sentence not quite evident; but the reader still understands the main point.
Garbled writing: No indication of what this reflection is about.
Sufficient Information to Address Topic
The writing includes more than enough information to prove a point.
The writing includes enough information to prove a point.
The writing doesn’t   include quite enough information to prove a point.
The writing  includes barely any information to prove a point.
Including Relevant Information
All information included is relevant to the assignment topic. No unnecessary facts.
 One unrelated fact/sentence, but addresses topic.
Two or more unrelated facts, but mostly addresses the topic.
Three or more unrelated facts, which distract the reader from learning about the topic.
Opinions and Analysis

Sufficient opinions about the topic. Rich, thought-provoking and profound in analysis.
Some personal opinions about the topic. Some interesting points and some good analysis.
No clear opinion(s)   about the topic. A few interesting points that offers a superficial analysis.
 No opinions about the topic. No interesting points, nor does it offer any analysis.
Grammar and Mechanics
No misspelled words or clear syntax errors.
A few grammar and spelling errors.
Several grammar and spelling errors.
Many grammar and   spelling errors.
Timely Task Completion
Always on time and always complete with tasks.
Usually on time, occasionally behind with tasks.
Often behind schedule; often incomplete with tasks.
Hardly ever on time; hardly ever complete with task completion.

Grading Scale:  24= 100     18=80      12=60      6=40

Here is a list of some of the blogspot topics:
Chinese Families:  

Chinese Music:  

Chinese New Year: 

Chinese Zodiac:  

Chinese Calligraphy: 

Chinese Names:  

Chinese Tea:  

Chinese Education: 

Travel in China:

Mandarin Jobs:

Chinese Pronunciation Exercises - Homepage:


Please review routine verbs and all time expressions - year, month, date, days of the week, clock times and prepare for a Unit Test, an oral performance test (recording), and a written performance test.

Mr. Wang



Go home and brainstorm on English expressions related to

the concept of "time". For example, "Time is money."

Minimum 10. Due tomorrow.

Mr. Wang

December 22, 2014

Period 3: We covered "age," and "phone number." We reviewed numbers and copied down characters for numbers in Chinese and are working on the worksheet (Numbers in pinyin and characters from 1-100) - due tomorrow. 

Period 6: We reviewed numbers and copied down characters for numbers in Chinese and are working on the worksheet (Numbers in pinyin and characters from 1-100) - due tomorrow. 

December 18, 2014

Homework:  Research and find 3x lucky and 3x unlucky numbers in the Chinese culture. Due next time we meet.
Mr. Wang

December 12, 2012

Today we did the Q2 Recording; those who missed it must come in to do it next week. Homework for this weekend is the translation exercise below. Due Monday. 

Here is the translation exercise you may not have finished in class.

Translation Exercise:  Work in pairs; both of you will be writing and handing in a separate sheet for graded assignment. (20 points)

Scenario: You have been selected to show a student around at LOLHS. The student is from China who wants to visit Mr. Wang's classroom. Mr. Wang is not in the room at the moment and this is your conversation. Translate the following dialog into pinyin.

Good morning.

Good morning.

What is your name?

My name is... You?

My name is.... It's nice to meet you.

I am also very glad to meet you.

Where is your classroom?

My classroom is there.

What is this?
This is a whiteboard.
What is that?
That is a national flag.
Do you have markers?
Where is your desk?
It's there.
Do you like your desk?
I like my desk.
Where is the teacher’s desk?
The teacher’s desk is there.
Who is your Chinese teacher?
MR. Wang is my Chinese teacher.
Do you like Mr. Wang?
I very much like him.
Do you like your classroom?
I like my classroom very much.
What do you also have in the classroom?
We also have ..... (List 10 additional items).
Can you speak French?
Yes, I can speak French.
Can you speak Spanish?
Yes. I can speak Spanish.
What can you still speak? (What else can you speak?)
I can also speak Chinese.
Thank you.
You are welcome.


December 3, 2014 

For the recording and writing, the following will be the bare minimum you should be able to produce:

Good morning. I'm_________. Nice to meet you. I am in old lyme. This is my classroom. The classroom has .....  The classroom also has..... Yet still the classroom has..... What's your name? Can you speak English? What's your English teacher's name? What's in your classroom? Do you have a national flag in the classroom ? I am very happy to meet you. Goodbye.

Please translate the above for homework - due Monday 12-8-14.

Answer to the whole Translation Exercise:

An audio of this translation will be in your email. Please listen and practice before the recording and written performance tasks.

Nov. 20, 2014.
Translation Exercises - Important Exercise for Quarter 2 Oral Performance Task (100 Points) and Written Performance Task (100 Points)

Chinese I. Grammar Ex ClassroomNide Mingzi: _____________

Imagine you were the tour guide for a group of high school students visiting your Chinese class at LOL. Translate the following English sentences into Chinese pinyin. Pay special attention to spelling and word order. (20 points in Graded Assignments)

How are you? My name is …. I am a student. I am in the US. I am at LOL. I like my classroom. My classroom has desks, chairs, whiteboards, erasers, and markers. My classroom also has maps, framed pictures, a national flag, and windows. My classroom still has …(name ten items).This is my desk. My desk is very good and I like my desk. I have pencils, pens, a notebook, a piece of paper on my desk. She is Mary. She is also a student.She also likes our classroom. She also likes her desk. Who else are in my classroom? There is Jack, Larry, Cynthia and Samantha, and Ophelia. They are very happy to be in the classroom. They like the whiteboard, the framed pictures and maps. Where is the trash can? The trashcan is there! Who is our Chinese teacher? Mr. Wang is our Chinese teacher! Mr. Wang is a very good Chinese teacher. We like Mr. Wang! How about you? Do you like your classroom? Do you have an English teacher? What’s his/her name? Do you have a whiteboard? Do you have a blackboard? Do you have markers? What do you speak in your classroom? Do you speak English? Who is your English teacher? Is she/he a very good English teacher? Who is your Chinese teacher? Is he also a good teacher? Still yet, what other teachers do you have? Do you have a French teacher? Do you have a German teacher? Who is your French teacher?Who is your German teacher? Do you have a trashcan in your classroom? Where is your trashcan? Do you have a window? Where is the window? Do you have a national flag in your classroom? Where is the national flag? Do you like your classroom? Are you a very good student?I am very happy to meet you. See you again.

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