Chinese III. IV. Announcements

Midterm Review 2017

Chinese Language and Culture IV / 中文(4)
Mid-Term Exam. 01. 2017
LOLHS / 莱欧莱姆中学
姓名 (Name)________________________________________
日期 (Date)_________________________________________


Listen to a short conversation between two friends who talk about their own favorite friend on the phone. Answer the following questions in English. (20 points)

1.      What is the man’s best friend’s name? _______________________________________________.
2.      What’s the man’s friend’s nationality? ____________________________________________.

Vocabulary and grammar

I.                   Describe your best friend in the following categories by writing two complete complex sentences in pinyin to provide details (10 points).

II.                Fill in the blanks with the grammatically and contextually appropriate vocabulary so that the whole conversation makes sense.  (12 points)

III.             There are certain ways ideas are expressed in Chinese, which are rather unique. Look at the following ideas and correct the sentences in pinyin so that they will sound grammatical and idiomatic in Chinese. (7 Points)

1.Tā chuān hěn shímáo. (He is very fashionable in clothes. 他穿衣服穿很时髦。.)
IV.             As you know, one of the difficult things to learn in Chinese language is the variety of “measure words” that are pre-established for objects depending on their shape, size, and other features. Match the following measure words (, , , , : Jiàn, duì, tiáo, tào, shuāng) with the right clothing pieces by filling the blanks. (15 Points)

Measure word
Clothing item
English Meaning

V.                You are a student in Beijing and you have been robbed. A local police officer is inquiring about the person who robbed you. Write complete sentences in pinyin- for both questions and answers.  (10 points)


I.                   Read the following self -introduction by a Chinese High School student and find out what he has said about himself, his family, and his friends. Fill in the blanks in English. (15 points)

II.                Read the following monolog about one’s friend and answer the comprehension questions in English only. (14 points)

我的好朋友叫李娜。 她今年十七岁。她是大公园高中的一个高四的学生。

Wǒ de hǎo péngyǒu jiào Linà. Tā jīnnián shíqī suì. Tā shì Dà Gōngyuán Gāozhōng de yīgè gāo sì

Q1. What’s the name of the narrator’s friend and where is she now? ______________________;

III.             Read the following questions and provide the answers to them in characters or pinyin. (6 points).

Q.    你叫什么名字?    A.  _______________________________________________
IV.             A is an absent minded teacher who is asking one of his students to answer questions about her family. Read the following dialog in Chinese and find out the answers to the questions that follow in English or pinyin.  (8 points)

V.                 Listen to two high school seniors discuss their academic preparation and college majors of studies. Then answer the questions that follow based on their monologs. (10 points)

王: 我马上就要上大学了。 我计划在大学学社会学或者英语教育。

Wáng: Wǒ mǎshàng jiù yào shàng dàxué le. Wǒ jìhuà zài dàxué xué shèhuì xué huòzhě yīngyǔ jiàoyù.

Q1. Where is Wang? Is he in college or high school now?
Now listen to what Li has said about her aspiration for a career. Answer questions that follow in English (4 Points)

李: 我想找一个挣钱比较多的工作。当医生可以挣很多钱。

Li: Wǒ xiǎng zhǎo yīgè zhèng qián bǐjiào duō de gōngzuò. Dāng yīshēng kěyǐ zhēng hěnduō qián.
Q1. Where is Wang? Is he in college or high school now?

VI.             Two people in a chatroom called “Chinese Tea House” introduce each other in Chinese. Read their dialog and answer questions in pinyin or English. (8 points)

Guest 1.  你好.
Guest 2.  你好. 你叫什么名字?

Q1.  What’s Guest 1’s Chinese name? What does it mean? ___________________; __________________

VII.          Two students meet and have this conversation. Read their dialog and answer questions in pinyin or English. (7 points) 

Student 1.  你会说中文吗?

Q1.  Who speaks better Chinese? _____________________________________
VIII.       Two students are talking. Read their dialog and answer questions in pinyin or English. (8 points)

Student 1.  请问您贵姓?
Q1.  What is the name of Student 1?  ___________________________

去晴天中国美国餐馆学校菜您 什么打电话下雪一三 她们好还是 更最 汉语 英语 是谁 郊区

New Characters from Chinese III and IV.

有些,其他, 另一个人, 所有,  自己, 都, 还有(些)人, 任何 也, 每个 都, 或者 或者, 课程, 作业, 写作, 英国文学, 历史, 美国史, 心理学, 数学, 科学, 生物学, 化学, 物理学, 电脑, 高, 矮, 胖, 瘦, 壮, 结实, 苗条, 害羞, 热情, 冷淡, 开朗, 善变, 固执, 随和,  大方, 内向,  外向,  男生, 女生, 外套, T恤, 裤子, 毛衣, 衬衫, 连衣裙, 西装, 大衣, 裙子, 牛仔裤, 背心, 百货商店, 手机店, 书店, 鞋店, 宠物店, 茶店

Writing Task 1. Write a paragraph describing your best friend in characters. Use the above vocabulary list for your reference. Be thorough and comprehensive. Follow the Rubric Sheet. (18 points)


Rubric for Writing in Chinese Characters (18 points scale)

Chinese 3 & 4
Task Completion
Language Use
Characters Writing
excellence in
writing   (6)
*Addresses all aspects of stimulus with thoroughness and detail. 
*Very well organized and coherent; excellent transtions
*Rich vocabulary
*Wide range of grammatical structures,  minimal errors
* No errors or mis-written characters.
Suggests excellence in writing  (5)
* Addresses  most aspects of stimulus
*Well organized and coherent; good transtions
*Good of vocabulary
*A good range of grammar structures,  some errors
*A few errors and missed strokes in writing characters.
competence in
writing (4)
* Addresses major aspects ofstimulus
*Generally well organized and coherent; some good transitions
*Mostly appropriate vocabulary and idioms
*Mostly appropriate grammatical structures,
*Errors generally do not obscure meaning
* Some errors and missed strokes in writing characters, but meaning not obscured.
Suggests competence in
writing (3)
*Addresses some aspects of stimulus
*Partially organized and coherent;  a few transtions
*Limited appropriate vocabulary; frequent errors
*Mostly simple grammatical structures
* errors sometimes obscure meaning
*A good number of errors and missed strokes in writing, but *Overall meaning of writing not obscured.
Suggests lack of
competence in
writing (2)
*Addresses marginal aspects of stimulus
*Generally lacks organization and coherence; minimal or no transition.
*Minimal appropriate vocab.
*Limited grammatical structures,
*frequent errors obscure meaning
*A lot of errors and missed strokes in writing characters.
* Meaning quite obscured but topic is somehow detectable.
Lack of competence in writing (1)
* Minimally addresses stimulus
* No organization; disjointed sentences or isolated words
*Insufficient, inappropriate vocabulary
*Little or no control of grammatical structures,
*frequent errors that significantly obscure meaning
*Too many errors and missed strokes in writing characters.  *Meaning very obscured and topic not detectable.
Contains nothing that earns credit; completely irrelevant to the stimulus; not in Chinese characters; blank.

Writing Task 2. Performance Task Writing  (100 points scale)

Presentational Writing:  My Friend
American Student in Beijing
Chinese friends
Task Description:
You are presenting your best friend from Old Lyme to a group of Chinese friends. Include but not limit to the following: looks, ethnicity, personality, clothing, academic preparation, academic career and job aspirations.
Be organized and have a beginning and ending.
Follow the Rubric Sheet.
Materials /

A well organized description
Performance Task Evaluation Criteria: WL Written Rubric.



Task Completion
Superior completion of task. Exceeds requirements
Use of ample evidence and/or explanation provides  substantial depth to the topic
Completion of task

Requirements are fulfilled
Evidence  and/or explanation is clearly stated and provides depth that is relevant
Most of the requirements were fulfilled

Evidence / explanation is provided
Incomplete treatment of  task

Little to no explanation or evidence provided
Insufficient content to evaluate

28 = 98
27 = 96
26 = 94
25 = 92
24 = 90
23 = 88
22 = 86
21 = 84
20 = 82
19 = 80
18 = 78
17 = 76
16= 74
15 = 72
14 = 70
13 = 68
12 = 66
11 = 64
10 = 60
9 = 58
8 = 55
7 = 50
6 = 45
5 = 43
4 = 40
3 = 30
2 = 20
1 = 10
Purpose , Focus
Main idea/claim is clearly stated., strongly maintained throughout. Purpose is clear and evident throughout writing
Main idea/ claim is stated, focused and maintained throughout.
Purpose is evident throughout writing
Main idea/ claim is stated, and focus is somewhat maintained throughout.
Purpose is somewhat evident throughout writing
Main idea/ claim is weak or not stated, and focus is lacking throughout.
The purpose is not evident in writing
Purpose, focus and audience are unclear to the reader


Excellent development and treatment of topic.  Organization most effectively creates logical progression of ideas from beginning to end. Strong connection among ideas.

Relevant, well organized and well developed treatment of topic. Organizational structure effectively creates progression of ideas from beginning to end. Connection among ideas are made by using effective transitions
Relevant treatment of task. Adequate development of topic. Organizational structure creates progression of ideas from beginning to end. Connections among ideas are emerging. Transitions are limited
Organizational structure creates limited progression of ideas from beginning to end. Connections among ideas are unclear and transitions and are lacking. Task may have some irrelevant treatment of topic.
Irrelevant treatment of task or inappropriate response
No clear beginning, middle and/or end

Complexity of
Exceeds requirements by using a variety of expressions and complex structures
Emerging risk taking
Some variety of expression and complex structures
Little risk taking
Very little variety of expression. Mostly simple sentences. Some repetition
No risk taking
No variety of sentence formats.
Sentences are incomplete and /or
too simple

Requires no interpretation on the part of the reader
Requires almost no interpretation on the part of the reader
Mostly comprehensible
Requires frequent interpretation on the part of the reader
Barely comprehensible


Vocabulary is precise, varied and accurate

Accurate  and varied use of most vocabulary
Appropriate but limited use of vocabulary; repetitive. Frequent  inaccurate use of vocabulary
Extremely limited / repetitive vocabulary.
Too basic for this level.
Inappropriate / inaccurate vocabulary is used

Excellent command of language
There are few to no surface errors
Register is highly appropriate
Control of most structures and word order
Some  surface errors
Several surface errors in structures and word order, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization Register is generally  appropriate

There are abundant surface errors. Inaccurate spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Register may be inappropriate

Too many errors
No command of structures, spelling, capitalization or punctuation Register is incorrect
Writing for the 21st Centruy WL Rubric  


Weekly Planner for 5/30- 6/3

Day 1:  Wrap up the text - audio and translation due; worksheets on N-Clauses and Adjective-              Clauses

Day 2:  Final Exam Recording - Seniors exempt must participate

Day 3:  Finals Review - Listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary
Day 4:  Final exam review - characters.


Transportation Unit: PT

You are planning to travel to China with Mr. Wang and as a part of the visa requirement, you need to write a travel plan to the Chinese Embassy in both pinyin and characters regarding the names of the places you will be visiting, how and when you plan to arrive at the places, and who you will be meeting. Your travel itinerary must be in complete sentences and cant be bullet points. In your paragraph, you describe chronologically how you will travel from JFK, NY to Beijing. During the 7 days in Beijing, you will describe the places you are going to visit, who you will be meeting, and how you would arrange for transportation.  In your writing, you will include the following vocabulary and grammar structures: all major important sites in characters; pinyin for other parts of the sentences that include but not limited to comparative sentence structures, de/di/de structures,future tense and progressive tense; quantifiers and adverbs of frequency; conjunctions of various types, as well as vocabulary words associated with traveling. Also, you may include adjectives of emotions such as exhausted, thrilled, excited,etc. All in all, your paragraph must contain a large number of complex and/or compound sentences and a wide array of vocabulary words you have learned so far. 

Weekly Planner for (11-16 to 11-24) 

Quarter II Project (Draft)

Mike: Martial arts equipment
Miles: Silk products
Vic: Qipao - traditional women's dress
Matt: Computer tech
Pat: Chinese utensils
Max: Chinese entertainment sports equipment.
James C:  Chinese fireworks
Ian: Teas
Emily: Pearl
James: Chinese traditional medicine
Gus:  Ping Pang equipment
Taylor: Moon cakes

Chinese III/IV Quarter II Project

Topic: Shopping for a Tourist in China: What to buy if you were traveling in China?
This is our quarterly project. It’s supposed to be fun and it’s intended to help you to explore the culture in depth and shed light on the topic(s) based on your research findings. Grades will go into your Test/Project category for Quarter 2.

Essential Questions:
What does China make? As Americans what types of tourist products can you purchase in China? How do the prices compare between Made in China and Sold in the US vs. Made in China and Sold in China? How about Made in the US and Sold in China vs. Made in the US and Sold in the US? What do you know about the currency exchange rate? What would you suggest that an American tourist buy in China for both the price and quality? Further, if you were to do business with the Chinese, what kinds of products could you import/export to make a profit?

Your Role: an market researcher and a presenter

Your Task/Goals:Find out the best merchandise for a tourist in China and present your findings with Nearpod.

Your Audience: Your classmates who plan to or will travel in China

Steps: (Each one of you will be picking up a category of merchandise to research)
1. Research and find about what you would buy –make a list
2. Find out about where, when, how, how much, who, and what about the merchandise
3. Make a decision as to what to include in your presentation
4. Create the slides with good photos
5. Audio – TBD as to what to say – with scripts
6. Share on Edmodo. – follow the instructions on technology

Performance Task:  (Script Writing/ Recording)

Use what we have learned in class and introduce your line of products (merchandise) in a Nearpod presentation for all to see. The following topics must be covered to demonstrate your presentational skills:

1. What's the product line?  (one category)
2. Which are the top choices? (three minimum)
3. Why would you recommend? (quality vs. price)
4. How do you get a discount?  (coupons or bargaining)
4. How do you pay? (credit card? cash? checks?)
5. How about shipment, if any?

When you design your Nearpod (PPT) slides, think of the 6x6x6 Rule: Six slides in total, six lines in each slide; and six words in each line, for attractive visual effect and ease of reading from the perspective of the viewers.

Language Requirement:  You presentation is to be done in Chinese, but you will write a script first.

Nearpod composition - must have sufficient slides and sufficient language. ALSO, YOU MUST DESIGN A QUIZ at the end of your presentation that will give you feedback or how much your audience understood your materials.
Technology Requirement: Must use nearpod (at least 5 slides) and audio (must be imbedded in the nearpod presentation. Audacity or Vocaroo are two voices.
Grading: See separate Rubric Sheet.
Effort and Time Management: Be productive and efficient in class; whatever you can’t finish in class should be completed at home. Meet all deadlines and show good effort.

1-17. Review:  Kahoot;
1-18. Unit Test (Including Writing PT)
1-19. Speaking Performance Task

Chinese III. Q2. PT: Writing. (1-18)

You are an international student studying in Beijing and you got sick. You just came back from the school clinic and as a language student you want to record your conversation you have had with the doctor. Be creative and organized and comprehensive with your discussion of the symptoms, your routines, and probably a little bit of the weather. 

Alternatively, write a narration of - Your physical condition; your routine, etc. Use vocabulary on body parts; frequency adverbs and routine verbs; symptom words; and new grammar items (check your notes).

Chinese III. Q2. PT: Speaking (1-19)

You are an international student studying in Beijing and you got sick. You are in a doctor’s office in the School’s Clinic. Come up with an extended monolog to respond to the doctor’s question – What’s wrong? You may speak for both the doctor and yourself – simply state who is speaking now in front of the series of sentences. 

Chinese IV. Q2. PT: Writing. (1-18)
You are an international student studying in Beijing and you have been there for a year. Today, you are writing a story of your past year to the International Student Online Magazine to educate future students what it is like to study in Beijing through the four seasons, how your routine works, and how you got a cold and how you felt. You share your experience so future students will become better prepared.

Chinese IV. Q2. PT: Speaking (1-19)
You are an international student studying in Beijing and you have been there for a year. Today, you are writing a story of your past year to the International Student Online Magazine to educate future students what it is like to study in Beijing through the four seasons, how your routine works, and how you got a cold and how you felt. You share your experience so future students will become better prepared. Create a PPT like project by using You are discouraged from reading off a script. It’s OK to use a very informal tone of voice as you relate your experiences.

After Thanksgiving -

We will continue our effort in health discussion by turning our writing, our four picture cartoon into a Nearpod/Vocaroo project.

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